The Script

Text. Voice. Recording. 

Text. Voice. Recording. 

Test Test Lucky Test. 




its me, Teymour. 


Bad. Bad. Bad. Behavior

bad bad bad bad behavior. 

people are dieing for nothing.

dieing or dying? i think its both.

pause. erase. stop. new recording.


hello. hello. ana hena. 

habibi. habibi ilan. el el ellen. 

ich habe dieses gedicht für euch geschrieben. vielleicht werdet ihr es lesen, vielleicht ein bisschen spühren. ich liebe euch habibis, wir sind im gleichen boot, in der freude, in der trauer, in der not.

The Palestinian in the swiss mind is a swiss jewish creation. The arab in the swiss gmeind is a swiss jewish creation. The Muslim in the swiss weid is a swiss jewish creation. I. My image. My look. My beard. My keffiyeh. My backpack. My fear. Your fear. Is a swiss jewish creation. Why? Because im your brother. Achi, remember? De mitte kippa und de kufiyyeh. A muslim egyptian brown male and human. How are we connected? Life Habibi, Chaim in Hebrew, Hayaa in Arabic. Chai. Khui. Akhi. Jahudi. Habibi. Interconnected you say? Nei, nei, nei. Würkli? Nei?

In lausanne gebohre, in opfike gfrore, ja, dschwiiz isch mis dihei. Aber dwurzle isch wo anders. Ägypte, habibi, ägypte mini liebi, verwurzlet im land vo de pharaone. Es dihei und keis dihei. Immer nomal vo vore. Heimat, was isch heimat, ägypte oder d schwiiz, du oder ich. Keih ahnig, weiss es nöd, wird’s nie wüsse, wird’s nie welle wüsse, will ich meh bin. Ich bin ägypte schwiiz amerika israel gaza. Da simmer.

Rachel. Ist. Braun. Schweig. Ich bin braun schweig. Ich bin die schweiz. Du doch auch? Dann sind wir doch dieselben? Mensch mein ich, nicht eloquenz, eleganz und schönheit. Die göttliche ordnung wurde uns auferlegt. Was machen wir damit, villanelle. Töten. Töten. Killing eve? Neumatt hat mir gezeigt, wie du uns befreist. Als matriarchin dieser welt, die mutter, deine mama, meine nonna, the brave jewish mother, eva, madonna, hast uns offenbart, dass die erlösung mit dem schlag deiner mutter kommt, die brennt und lodert voller elend und schmerz, verantwortung für alles ohne geld und herz, gibst immer alles dein bestes für ne welt, die dich die feminine identität, meine weibliche sensualität, die hüterin und schöpferin des lebens quält.

Die qual einer mutter. Die qual einer tochter. Die qual einen sohn, einen mann zu sehen. In gaza. Israeli. Palästinenser. In Tel Aviv. In Selnau. Vater. Mensch. 1200. 1200. 2400. 4800. 9600. 10000. 10001. 10002. 10003. 10004. 11200. 11300. 11400. 11111. Viele menschen. Viele töchter. Viele söhne. Viele männer. Sterben. Warum? Teilen vs besitzen. Ich vs du. Abendland vs morgenland. Ostjude vs westjude. Geld vs kein geld. Gaza vs gaza with foreign passport. Gaza vs haifa. Gaza vs neve shalom. Gaza vs never shalom. Schwiizer vs leider nöd. Hakennase vs bärtig. Hexe vs verdächtig. Ruth vs Leah. Ellen vs Ringier. Ringier vs me. Cassis vs Lazzarini. Ruth vs Dreyfus. Kapital vs kein kapital. Connections vs kei connections. Privilege vs Collateral Damage. Luck vs Collateral Damage. Luck vs Woman. Queer vs Number. Non vs Binary. Gay vs Queer. Queer vs Pride Inc. Patriarchy vs Deborah. Feldman vs die schöne, starke, unorthodoxe Frau. Weg mit allen Tabus, Verboten Du darfst nicht du kannst nicht du sollst nicht. Nackt sein. Tot sein. Leben. Sterben. Umarmen. Spühren. Fühlen. Weinen. Tanzen. Teilen.

Gaza war schon immer da. Wir wussten es ganz ganz ganz klar. Rudolf Brun richung endingen lengnau, endstazion meine damen und herren bitte alles ausstreigen, euer zimmer ist bereit aber geht nicht weit und seid leise wenn nachbar nicht schaut, und lueget denn mit de chind echli weg de verjudig you know our biggest anxiety then and now, except we have a new brand of the same man, same nose, same skin, just a different name und frau. Mohamed und Khalida. Muslim. Muslima. Mohammedaner. Muselmänner. Gschtampfte. Neger. Jud. Abseile. Marschbefehl. Vorwärts. Männer. Oups hallo Akhi, wir sind im selben boot. Ist voll hab ich gehört, bist du dort?

pause rewind stop start

titles: yalla yalla. hobba hobba. hope hope. black and white. lyrics of a neverending love hate love story. mi vida the great unfinished art red dead. ein kinderlied für erwachsene. eurovision. entry. collaborative. art. love. project. autistic discovery in a genocide.

blue. red. dead.

red. blue. dead.

blue. blue. dead.

red. red. dead. 

eid mubarak yall. 

vote for us in the fall. 

four more years 

for more yea 

obama kamala 

obama lalola

bin biden.

bombs bread bombs bombs

bombs bombon bombing bombs

bom boom bom bom bombs

rockets parashoot bread n bomb


anne. portmann. burak rockstar. powerfrau. big big heart, smart, strong, parat to face the cowards and say nei, nöd hüt nöd geschter eifach nei, dini muetter tochter schwöschter wird sich wehre geg di gwalt vo jung und alt vos versibt händ sich zfröge warum sie nöd liebe nöd zuelose nöd lose chönd wenn e frau en ma es baby schreit höred uf mitte grüne bombe svp, sp mitte fdp same same but meh lüge meh bombe weniger mensche weniger fraue chind und tier meh chranki weniger kasse meh geld weniger medis und studis, no meh macht und gier nach gäld und stimm, mini nöd habibi nöd hüt nöd morn fahr doch id hôll fortsetzung folgt.7 oct. british woman algerian man palestinian woman, a wedding new beginning separation, rayyan born reborn given, rayyan water life forbidenjisr. jassr. jisr kawkabi. list of the lost sons and daughters of senseless violence guns and wars. young. 18-22.  dead. families.

when gender based violence becames part of operating manual procedures met with silence. damn right damning report, on israel, hell no, your silence in a fight, for food for shelter for water for life, your money your kids pets toys rockets knife eve killing eve killing more n more eves with your time your kids your love honey gone abu ghraib missing 

when gender based violence becames part of operating manual procedures met with silence. damn right damning report, on israel, hell no, your silence in a fight, for food for shelter for water for life, your money your kids pets toys rockets knife you si si you si eve killing eve killing more n more eves for four more years yeah baby hit me one more time pleae please please stop will you please stop hurting me @sincerelyr for fucking real your brown arab muslim palestinian woman


Hanna ahrednt. breathe. eichmann jerushalaim alquds die heile welt. read. 

pause. breathe. lily lily. zeremonie. teaching teacher student she. melissa. 

deutsche. genozid.perfect pitch ready set go.

wood lily sniffing life lives of ants fungi mine inflammation lily pain.

portal. life. temple, ayah verse everything 

life. ramon portugal clemens traveling new york madrid clement beau ne paris. 

lily frog twitter hund, lily, die einzige blume im sumpf. fliegen fliegen on the move, 

reminders move. unvollendetes gedicht. baba. batya. licht. 

biggest fear. ai. fear. keine angst habibi, life, woman, life, freedom. frei.

that awkward moment when you’re supposed to be swiss but find yourself rooting for scotland. was what escandalo oupside daysi baby reindeer pass uf din pass pass uf ganz krass de pfuschte schuss alles kann nichts muss gelbgelb nur nicht rot gaza männer frauen kinder tot 1 1 sco sui zweiti halbzit nüme wiit (gähn) hublot swiss watches final call uefa fifa ganz klar mctominay vs shakiri 13 vs svizer shiri neutral du ja genau soccer fat white men yelling how brown fit men could do better now and then.

teymour 13 mal zwei shaquira shaquira 26 spieglein spieglein an der wand wer ist die schönste im ganzen land alhamdulilla hamdouni zum glück nochmals gemisst mashalla black brown attack brown black defend hasta la votra baby bern pennt gaza burning brennt tunesier araber algerier marokkaner pfui pfui pfui nei mached ezz äntli susch münder wider gassi gassa hei aus aus gleichstand gaza gaza vorbei.

titles: diaries of a disturbed loving child. angelique beldner steve tharakan eva wannenmacher spital in angst bc eve adam oberholzer killing stolze schweizer adam eve. albert einstein albanischer pass america gflüchtet. albanie schwiiz mit bunker ohni pass. skender beg. skanderbeg. hero. europa albanie prinzessin heroine. 14 jahrhundert italie albanie brueder i de ch erstes mal albanische flagge marko bua spata mutter theresa dua lipa halb bosnia serbia albania. schulde. manner. fraua. schaffe. schaffe. sis heusle baua.ted talk. mobilize. first step. children dying. now. pause. inhale. exhale. repeat. spicer. thrasher. eggpant. paprica. watermelon. orange. elik alon gaia dan green line. elal 2007 alia good night.

new day. same clarity. 70000 humans maimed and scarred from giving and taking lives, killing dying starving suffering. banality. 7000000 dreams vs reality. next step. healing extinguishing wildfires beta thunberg you here. reality. your dreams and desires against hannas banality. of evil. of science. of silence. of inaction. of it doesn’t affect me. of im suffering. how to mobilize. myself and my sad loving reality. smoke more smoke one more dust of reality. toxic smoke toxic inhalation dust and ashes slow drip starvation.

kind. forgiving. yourself. others. lily. always, then here now, always. sounds easy right. game theories in my mind, how to solve the eternal prisoners dilemma, my mind, my soul, her body. how to advance. you. others. life. leah, sarah, mama hanan, emma. repeated encounters. utility curves. demand and supply, not meeting not crowssing hearts to the divine, resulting in pain, you and i, gaza zurich selnau tel aviv jaffa. oranges, watermelons, menoras of light, life oh lives for you we shall fight. references repetitions amplifying life loving not killing their lives yours and mine. change happens when yoga. stretching yourself with love and breathing. in and out, moving. resting. moving. resting. living. giving and always open to receiving. sitting with your pain. key to forgiving. key to living. workitbabyworkit.

imagine lily dalia adina laila your daughter. here with you, always present. clean up your home, example to you to life to her. teaching means being present all the time. dishes laundry cooking yalla fein. sort your kitchen then your mind. habibi trust me you’ll be fine. portals open portals closing to a sea of new doors lives hearts portals. listen to your heart. passion. pain. compassion. with pain. mein kampf jihad our struggle. eat. breathe. dance. clean. pause. repeat. poetry in a genocide wildires i know. it started long ago. your life starts. now. yalla. vamonos jahve allah. enti maalemah.

shae. transitioned long ago. Mehr Ordnung weniger suchen weniger Zeit leben Menschen Freude verlieren.

fifa charta soccer player. chinder tier mensch natur wogeno hier darfst du nicht hier kannst du mir. geben nehmen leben sehen.

trinken. planschen. stöbern. lauschen. natur. Frösche Wassermenschen Kaiser Zwerge. black barbie geek girl next chapter minarette i de berge. 

mier profitert all vo dem system wo so en genozid und anderi genozid laufend hervorbringt. anstatt, dass jede mich selber ahfangt, tuet mer eifach alles uf de sog. fein projektiere.  ihr sind pro-palästina und verleugnet die, kashmir, algeria, cyprus, serbia, kosovo, fraue, gays, queers andera. und denn gits de magischi ort, albanie, apherdite, europa, marek, malka hannah. 

my life since oct 7. community service, unpaid, taking care of mama baba children dog my sanity, oupsie daisy i think im a woman. party party bitte new party help lift the burden of the woman in belp. bern taking off aare fluss river sea. new life. new story. from pain to glory. adinadina ivo sanja yalla yalla bina. trauma therapy. from heaven to hell. ava ave jahve yalla bina yalla yalla. lala mama eljoee warda faten gaza white dove bleeding hamama.

focus focus focus rakkez rakkez rakkez how. gaza. trauma. therapy. cease (your) fire now. first step. pause dance pause breathe. fløa furcloud early hours breathe.

parlament. mayday mayday. attacked. sr 1291 men women children hijacked. bring them home, back, safe, now vote, baby march baby let go inner child voice silence pause music dance noise. 

madonna. girl. feels like this world. one day. sarah bulbeisi. sister. sister. mother. earth. jisr. bridge. crossing. hope. gaza. mother life earth love. hope. hobb. hobba hobba. so many lyrics for this never ending love song. ruth ruth dreyfus ruthless shameless mut mut yalla yalla move move. gelbe karte. gelber stern roter halbmond nein. nei. partei. ergreifen. neutral. my ass. analitæt des bösen. ass ass your my ass cake muss erlösen. 

lots of economists. jornalists. teaxhers. hopeless dreamers. gemeinsam einsam. how. we can fix it. jisr bridge kawkabi zu den sternen, herzen, brilliant eyes, minds, hearts, loving loved butterflies acting,swissra suissra sxhvizer blossoms, now. difficult painful conversations, we can do it. with love. only love. even when you’re bleeding. gaza. love. more love. gaza. chaim. life. akhi akhi mayday hijacked.

expressive writing. trauma therapy. therapist recommended. srfdrs nzz blick 20min tagi vs babanews. no news? to you, on us, gaza g no side? yes i know we know babanews di einzige, 2 gegen 100, become a member and share with others yalla yalla habibis yalla.

white peace bleeding dove arabi jahudi falastini hope shirin shereen dope malka malka celine lion the lion die löwin the queen allways protects the king knowing full well she has all superpowers love kids flower blossom wild wild west monreal gaza tel a vive cleopatra white gown three brothers shine schach shirine neumatt schachmatt game over next malka malika miramira queen saba is real falastin

note to self. kitchen bathroom showers prayers allah act acting self care love you can doit. yalla yalla.

write. dance. focus.

act. act. move.

move. 4th. act.

rest. pause. breathe.

get your act together. mama franziska khalida jasmin schaff nr tired, yalla yalla. repeat. mama mama ill be fine. just looking for instructions how to be autistic in a genocide. found it. you. leah. anna. shrine temple grandin malka. denisova, slavova, baba news mama malka. debi dassi feldman, di strong fierce orthodox unorthodox frau. thank you for being present, the nicest thing to me. thank you for showing me. how.

expressive writing circles best trauma therapy thank you thank you stefanie.

frauen. leben. lieben. fühlen. spüren. auf. skandalo escandalo kopp kopp drei füsse, mama, sister, malka, blüte.  

habibti gaza. forgive me. i know i could do more. blütend. blühend. blüte.

salwa bakr. die einzige blume blütend im sumpf. lenos verlag. mein leben. mi vida. danke shukran mama.

sigi feigel. ellen ringier. achi weil. ursularosenzweig. stefanie. azra. woman. life. violence genocide survivors. rochelle. lives in me leaves an imprint in their faces. if you look closely pay attention to your pain. forms you makes you shining out stronger writing dancing talking stepping in raising amplifying voice voices writing pain is love is heute morgen liebe leute.

gaza. warsa. nakba. shoa. bosna serbalbanyugoslav mama. baba. gone. sarajevo. twins. american. towers. bombing mom kids dogs flowers red stripes blue stars bloody rivers to the sea arabi jahudi ummachime. gun violence honey. run. for life. circles writing connecting. autistic. human. lover. sun. arab muslim swiss egyptian man. mensch. iyya ya banat eskenderiyya. wir sind im selben bot wankend schwankend in der not finden wir unsre einsamkeit gemeinsam einsam vereint im sprung der uns befreit.

wankend schwankend übelkeit. immer noch. ja ja genau. nimm jetzt ne dusche. zeit oh zeit. ich weiss ich bin spät immer zu spät flghafen vorlesung essen tandem aufgestanden wieder wach. gedanken. dich und mich. liebe leben batya lily licht. doesn’t work. free gaza switzerland internet.america. white stars blue paint brown pain love child mother rivers of blood hope leslie nope red stripes. 

geek girl. lost your necklace not your joy. schlafende hunde wecken yalla yalla, star again. carbon dating blue breeze forests rivers sea freedom. war. the essence of nonsense sound bite. coming soon. stay woke altert tuned. gemeinsam einsam karaoke next step inshallah.

heart. circle. quran. thora. lea read write breathe talisman. be. present. future past tense history. live. now. your life your cat walk your story. walk talk sag mama always said, muhammad always in my heart and head. this is who i am. you can you can yes we can. 1.2.3. i am human arab female geek man.

poppy poppy ok perfect storm yalla bye. kuss kuss umak. sharks penguins arch bears baby reindeers beta cisco adam carceres tunberg forests burning free. 

own. fairy. tale. trivia. banalität des bösen yalla high. pause. in out. correlation cause. bern.un.violador.en.tu.camino. acids acidic hasidic west ost south mother needs rest. inflammation more pain wildfires burning inflation her kidney her heart her soul our hearts, no elon temple here not mars. rocket rockets cant you see burning homes chilbody cares goes on n war prada yadi yada allein nicht sterben gemeinsam sein. 

leere kassen viele kranke viele waffen sterben lassen warum warum bist du zu dumm zu verstehen dass gaz natürlich gaza du und ich leben sterben beide wach laila tova gamila shoshana ella habiba masr el gedida rayya marwan vadim moussa moshe shae moschee kreuzberg tempel hof herrje.

martin aladin saladin seiler. krieger schläfer warrior heiler. khanzir. halal. cacher maya. tobogan. balancoire. dinadina daliah nuit noir. örlikon airgate pinonoir. spezielle gerichte. raus raus boot ist voll miete bitte familienrecht. weniger emotional. straffälle beschäftigt schicksal mietrecht skandal. wohnen emotionen weniger nahe weniger schmerzhaft aufgaben. criminal. justice. system. politik ǎndern party partei trogen betrogen singen move yalla now.

west bank genocide gaza gaza live live your politicians your silence your flags money your brother your mother car trouble dead now honey hurting help help mama is dying live alive. tik tok clock is ticking stress doc eyes bursting nervous system shock trauma oh trauma what if we could live humanize gaza mothers sons soldiers from tel aviv. hany kw bogey bogey bogan super human love story telling us how to eat pray love and say nay when brothers killing brothers both mothers weep n die.

it breaks my heart. likes hearts expressions of empathy countless lives associations memories destroyed. meta not the metaverse really honney. follow the monney, hunnybunny. circle to circle 8 autistic human story. 39’999. next number. child. human. and white. black barbie both roberts 5 kilos snow white baby reindeer butterfly vs 50 gram brown bear. crime bill genocide joe four more years we say no more. time to connect the dots i can’t breathe @newsbysamuels with love ferguson gaza. he is the problem. hanna ahrendt eichmann jerusalem money. chill, im just trying to get your attention black baby brown bear beheaded hands limbs bodies. viva vida robert son jocelyn lila gaza tova gutermann. find the thread of wool of live velvet flower butterflies. israel is an apartheid baby. trust fund kid. trust. money. get it robert. safety net. spider web. geeky cheeky girl i know, still breathing running home, catch me catch minneapolis, new police copcity, coopcity sim silsihlcity, immer im fluss sihl lily, only flower in the park carpe diem sharky shark black fierce sexy dark velvet yellow brown bear baby reindeer crazy mad male barbie.

versus aya

wonderwoman gal gadot 500 kinder bombomtot, #loveidf #believeus #believeourwomen #believeourwomen #beheadedbabies #monstersandunicorns #adamandeve #myapple #denial of me my origin name language religion skin gene race race to the top bottom rat race mirror mirror on the wall rats are pigs are you habibi not halal nor kosher bom bom bomb alle frauen kinder woumb.mzumo moritz haegi dreamer. welcome to the writing circle, team. no borders no nations queer velvet revelation. cold. rain. every bloody protest. even in the midst of 300 days love pain beautiful summer.hund. billet. platz. diskriminierung. lily and i velvet butterfly. somay flags drags colors all nations united rain rain horror. early hours. sunrise. shining.  yalla go walk youre late always always always habibi. tears in a corner. its ok. breathe chaim haya life für die ewigkeit. lili gaga, go. white red lillys platz blossoming first time. eyes. brilliant eyes.

joe n genocide karens. oil and gas on human canvas/animal carcass.

say cheese before it happens. 

click click boom boom big rich elefants need more room. 

so donkeys come four more years 



come on come on closer closer mirrormirror selfie carrots donkeys karens adamsteve trump is winning when you give. up on life on all of us blu red dead mate up your assets up my ass.macklemore. schweiz. august. feiertag. zurich. open. air. breathe. tres gay, froh, dankbar, happy happy.

mzumo mzuma amina mama stephanie wieder allein dima dinadina pomeranz lili flowers. brilliant eyes. i see you. welcome merhaba in der arena baby reindeer frisst gras leben stier bully bully bulle 12 polizei mit liebe und verstand vom abend ins morgen land. you brilliant eyes. dance dance. on the skyline. breathe, in, out, life, oh beautiful life in pain we see the light, repeat. swiss. euro. vision. 123 get ready for television. entry. suisse 2025. miramira anneadonis gamila.

melissa. melisse. stern. allessio allessia gern. freunde familie lernen geben lieven verbinden sterben. ihr seid stars. bûhne. ich bin mars. writing. circles. mit weitsicht und blick. hinter den kulissen. pain oh pain. not. frauen kinder. brot. you brilliant eyes.

bist sheu. ich weiss. afghabistan. little girl. gaza gaza. big bear. hamas. greta temple. stern. jehuda. spielmann. schmerz. deborah. feld. frau. liebe. lass sie rein habibi, lieben. leben. tanzen. lassen. pain brot freiheit soziale gerechtigkeit. ægypten schweiz ja ja ich weiss. Du siehst aber schon, dass da hauptsächlich Puppen und Puppenteile rumliegen…?! roy oy oy roy al. gaza mor more gaza escandaloskandal. keine menschen. keine lara. keine sarah. am boden liegen. arme. beine puppen fliegen.

idk. idf. puppen. puppen. weisses auto aus. ziehen. warum warum puppe puppen stumm. soccer son soccar baba, einsam alle. komm, hört mir zu, ve nez. repetez. woman life puppen frei, von waffen und gewalt, die verneint und nicht zu wagen weint, zu sagen isxh libedisxh. 

typo or albanian. hard to tell. ich auxh. suiza swissra, you brilliant eyes. flugzeuge fliegen gaza im bauch. no pain no gain, eye, contact, remember. es ist zuviel licht.ich erblinde. blühe in der nacht. laila shana tova wach. yalla yalla bina nebni swissal gedida.

aya aya. vers verse quran. nothing limits kosher haram halal cacher lamm, mann frau mensxh lieben kann.

zero first second third draft war. 4 akt messer alarm. selnau selnau hör mir zu, baba sohh blütend warm. messer attacken warn signal. des lebens. chaim. haya. achi. kayan. alam mama kull makan. hero heroine kan zaman, arabi muslim masihi insan. lily dahlia india italia, flower dogs women shower, raining rays of light. münsterplatz beheaded babys copts church platz. regula und feliz felix, heilige verlieren köpfe nicht, romani romani turicum, angst for liebe maxht sehr stumm. heidy heiland bist dabei. iss den apfel maxh tell frei. um sixh zu lieben zu verlieren verlieben vergeben, für die gewalt, cassis, bundesrat, frauen, land. 

sxpeziell. genau. gaga gaga. genau. gshts der guet? nei. gömmer yalla. genau. mama mama confrontayshon. baba kind human loving baba son brother relation. me. schaffe is a kollektivi revolution. azan. disxo. they all come dressed to connect with each other. no, imean yess i guess. friends anchors catch up rest. boot ist voll, hell hell no, fishe fische ozean. swird immer besser schlimmer besser. mama disco. flinta flinta flinte knike. take down your guns hide and seek. bruno. brunello. big big bear, frere. miroira de moi dancu brasileirõ. yalla. les gens ils melangent. thrasher. free pussy. pussy busi bussi yousi, go. unmasking. tonight.nobody likes it. eye contact. go shark yalka go. bite. that fucking apple. it so tasty eve yalla yallah.are you ok you and me. hide and seek. all the time. repeat.

gedicht fertig. yalla bye. get ready. pause play.

don’t be afraid of the big brown bear lion lion baby lion her. mama. her. khalida zina. my. last big challenge, attention. spam. beautiful scary daring eyes. repeat.

morgen schreiben. frauen schreien. nicht vergessen. mixed signals. missed connection. my life. tanz tanz bis in die frühen morgen stunden azzan wske up minaret live. film schonn begonnen. renn schnell, zusammen, hãy. du bist im selben film, rakkez, forgive me. ma. ma. saw fight on the dancefloor, two girls intertwined. iigriffe. spiel. alles ok. your lifelong trauma, watching them punching your brother auf dem pausenplaz, hiding silent scared scar. verbii. that act. the initiation. stars planets

connecting. the dots. we are. for love.never ending art project. go. keine ahnung wie. doch. præsent. yalla. schwierig frauen schreien, überàll. anxiety lower. now. azan coming waky waky woodo stretch water work play.

eyecontact. painful hurtful brilliant eyes. sharp. like a. shark. circling. dancing. shining. universe. verse. aya. eve. hawwa, nawwa, seed, love love hob habibi now. interwoven. lila lily laila gutermann. polish American survivor blue velvet human. and then there is robert. mi vida. rewind. barbie geek girl. black, writer, honest. silent. you. have been too. slavery, numer 9, gay gay superbowl life. dc. ic. sea. you now. do you. leben. liebe. frau. joss oh joss. start. power. boss. frau. trauma. therapy. pain. sit. heal. back to sleep now. wake up azzan rayyan lili jasmin flowers. eyes. boys will be boys until they stop them. refrain. touching flowers consent. no. i don’t know, im not sure, im cold, clues, listen, heart, new life, new beginning. start. america. oh america, blue red bloody truman shaw. 

the fact that someones best selling point is that the other guy is more brutal/reckless/violent should ring red flags. trump vs biden.  beheaded vs babies. the apprentice vs superpredator raping wilmimgton kid. freedom vs gaza afghan vietkong fries. you vs us. rapists vs predators. truth vs lies. domestic=global=universal intergalactic violence. also lila gutermann for president. most intelligent woman out there. i mean it. (one of the i guess but very high up there). owls, shawls, brilliant interwoven eyes. welcome to the circle. writing, dear dear friends, lila, haya, life. 

jocelyn. beautiful name. group trauma therapy writing circles welcome dear. 

abgränze. i find this term problematic. perhaps because of associations. with abseile. neger. méditerranné. boote. menschen, abgewiesen, erschossen, nicht bei uns dort drüben jenseits der grenze. 

deet isch ebe woni herchum. alexandria baby, hafe lüchtturm. wüsse liecht bibliothek, vebrännt mit büecher lebens gschichte vo mänsche vo kämpfe knabeschüsse chönd i de zunft unfit to govern himan lives of mothers puppies puppets donkeys burnt alive. disability justice don’t forget. privileged. yes you can. be the man. lifting the tide. rising. 

also clean the dishes. sink. pause clean wash breathe in out play. repeat.

are you ok? do you need help. talk walk say something hear me/you/us. brilliant eyes. sharks moons stars. rivers sea palace temple free.

I think artistic niche prose in languages not everyone can access doesn’t move the needle towards Justice and yours, specifically, is a voice the world needs!!

You have an amazing skill set and a real vision. genau. writing circles euro vision now.

prose. defintion: written or spoken language in its ordinary form, without metrical structure. poetry without structure. your life. your brilliant eyes. 

prose. rose. structure. art. create something moves something now. white noise vs voice. past future tense present. prose. never understood what it means. me i guess. rose lily butterfly bees.humming hummingbird bear. satz tanz liebe feuer stern. gamile gamile perpetuum mobile. trauma pain theraphy nah nah fern. 

ruhe ruhe. schreien. still. stefanie. circle schreiben. natur. lily waiting gassi gassi. yalla. schoes on dark skies cold out, go.

ihra definition of violence. first step. adl vs adc you n me. 

stranger than fiction. isme. outside of time. adamadinaivoeve. so many voices barbies anchor. guter man. cry. lisa lila long covid. fog. my life.

letter. love letters n love. to you. all. brilliant eyes. shining. light. more. letters of love gratitude com passion. to you. love. life.

last dance. real. breathe. fall. 

instructions reminders me all. 

you brilliant beautiful eyes.

aya. haya. chaim. 


where have you been

im here nasibi eswed

khalez mel alam 

fina lina sara

leah hanan




distraction escape wellcome back ello hello. 

pause. breathe. dance. repeat.






play.pause report. talk. say something. when you see it. when it happens. the act of violence. not your imagination. 

brown. bearded. black backpack. me. 

limbs. puppies. beheaded barbies. she.

wars. your home. your past. your community. your community. your deepest inner circle. your partner husband daughter wife. women being beaten. caged. stopped from being a ballerina doctor physician actress you from the unhealed paint in you. brother. holy father. ave maria. son. many men. but wait. you. eve. oh eve. hell. i know. im guilty. im sorry. habibti. mama. gaza. malka. forgive me. 

gun down gun gun down. 

khalass mayas hurting 

yalla dance breathe. smoke. sheesh.

bisxh. biche. bisch. bi. si. 

büsi mi. au. au au. meow.

gfange im body vonere kalba 

reyna malka gamila namens lily.

kaz un maus. cazzo cazzo waffen culo. 

dini muetter, min fründ es schimpfwort gay queer tunte sünd. really? 

come on grow up habibi. mirror mirror. brilliant eyes. see. love. 

lily come sit sit with. denial pain lies. from lebenslügen to love liebe vergnügen. 

neue melodie. new start. new beginning. new entry. new vision. 

euro native indigenous connected rooted arab jewish muslim christian jin yang hindu nature sprit life vision for me and you. swiss. svizer. schweizer. vision. autistic. female. human. mission. euro. german. pax americana. no mo. vision. 2048. new israel. free palestine. gaza gaza. to new beginnings heute morgen inshallah. yalla tantzen weinen singen neue strophen neue hymnen. 

franziskas. schaffner. geissler. geister hexen spörrisch. störrisch. philippes engels. dynamisch. froh. saida. keller. dunkel. ägyptisch. arabisch. hell. jasmin. liliy melissa melisse. blüht wieder. mit blick auf. ihre freiheit. partei. story gesschichte life. burak. melissa. shirine. dinadinaleahivo hive bees fly. to the land where milk and honey grows flows from one river jordan to a dead salty toxic sea. maybe thats the pond he crossed, that moses. salty painful wounding cracks open. from the sea. to all seas. of salt minerals crystals stars diamonds life. morgenrot. schweizer psalm. new lyrics. new voice. us. maya. aya. eve. life. eurovision. bridge. gizr kawkabi. bridge. 

instructions to self. stop. first book. end. print. verleger diwan first book. next step: frankfurter buchmesse insxalla.

interwoven poetry. new genre. all of you. languages. all expressions. gender earthy connection. hanin. feelings. welcome encoraged allowed to speak freely. your mind. your heart. your soul. wiki entry. end.